Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sam's latest feeding schedule - 16-17 months

By now Sam is nursing just 3 times in 24 hours. His weaning process seems to be gradual and I don't mind that at all. I enjoy nursing more now because it's enjoyable to go to bed and wake up with nursing and the feeding in the early AM hours isn't all that bad (though I hope that's the first of the three he drops!).

7:45-8:15 AM: I nurse Sam whenever he wakes up or shortly thereafter.

9:00-9:15 AM: Breakfast time. Sam eats a bowl of "adult" cereal. Either Cheerios, corn flakes, Corn Chex, or something similar. Nothing sugary, but something tasty nonetheless. Then Sam eats cut up fruits (strawberries, plums, melon - whatever's in season) and often takes a swig of my fruit smoothie as well.

12:00 PM: After his nap, Sam gets a yogurt and some milk (cow's). He doesn't go for drinking all that much so we have to sneak it in.

3:00 PM: Sometime before his second nap (if applicable, since some days he just naps once), he has some bites of a peanut butter sandwich, or pureed fruit/veggie jar (he started liking them after a long break of not touching those jars). Also between naps, Sam gets a snack (pretzels, chips, fruits) and we try to get him to drink some more milk.

5:30 PM: Sam gets a light snack (usually fruit) if he's very hungry and supper isn't ready yet.

6:00-6:30 PM: Suppertime. Sam usually eats what I make for supper. Otherwise I defrost some soup with chicken (which I freeze in single-size portions for him), or he has bread and cheese.

7:45-8:00 PM: Bath and then bedtime nursing.

5:00-6:00 AM: Some time in this range Sam wakes up for a feeding. I don't mind because by then I've already had a good solid chunk of sleep so I don't feel that tired anymore.

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