Wednesday, June 11, 2014

No more pain at 3 months!

At three months breastfeeding stopped being painful, which is a ridiculously long amount of time to have to wait for it to start being enjoyable, if you asked me. What happened? One Sunday evening I came down with a stomach bug that totally cleared out my system from all fluids. I couldn't eat a thing or drink much either. At the time I didn't realize what not eating and drinking can do for your milk supply.

The next morning I woke up feeling fine but my boobs were like they were before I got pregnant! Very soft and small and empty. I nursed my baby and to my shock, it was a completely pain-free experience. I never had that. My supply definitely did drop, but I am thinking that maybe my milk supply suddenly regulated at that time.

Milk supply is initially regulated by hormones produced during childbirth and the body usually produces a lot of milk. Many moms feel engorged in the early days (I never did) and have oversupply issues. I think I had the latter. I always felt full. I often got plugged ducts. Sam's poop was lime green and frothy a lot of the time. That's a sign of a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, by the way. More on that a different time. I guess I produced a lot (I was able to pump way more than my baby needed), I always felt full - which leads to two things:

A) Full breasts means that a baby with a tongue-tie can't latch on so well so that leads to painful nursing and all that soreness.

B) Full breasts means that there is lots of foremilk (watery, sweeter, lighter milk) that gets eaten in the beginning of the feed, and by the time he's full, he's hardly even touched the hindmilk (fattier, richer milk). That's probably why he had green diapers.

Another thing: I began to feel letdowns for the first time!

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