Thursday, July 10, 2014


These are products to take that can help you increase your milk supply. I don't know if I'm a believer in these really because I've only tried fenugreek and it did not help.

Fenugreek is an herbal supplement responsible for lots of things, but nursing moms will often use it to increase milk supply. It's supposed to work well but really did nothing for me in terms of boosting milk. However, it did boost my appetite - hooboy! As I've later read, fenugreek increases appetite and makes you crave carbs, a sure recipe for piling on the extra poundage.

I took it for one whole week, 4 pills every 3 hours, which is about the upper limits of the dose. That week i felt extremely hungry. All the time. I would eat everything in sight. If I controlled myself, I just ended up feeling very weak and lightheaded, a symptom of low blood sugar. It was nuts.

I did try drinking some beer and I think it helped my supply. Too early to tell for sure. But I've been drinking 1 cup of beer for the past 3 nights after putting Sam to bed.

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