Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Down to just one feeding now

We're down to one feeding a day. As of 2 weeks ago, I cut out the pre-bedtime bedtime since I was feeling very run down with a virus and pre-holiday preparations. I figured I'll replace that feeding with a cup of regular milk and see what happens. It worked surprisingly well.

I gave Sam his drinking bottle (popup sports water bottle filled with milk) and held him as he drank it. We walked around the house, talking and winding down while he consumed the milk. Then we came to his bedroom where I sang him a short lullaby and kissed him. I lengthened his bedtime ritual since I didn't want him to lose out on the physical and emotional bonding and comfort which nursing provided until now. After that I lay him down in his crib and he went to sleep.

It worked out so well, thankfully. And I got a chance to wind down myself. Nursing is quite relaxing - and I'll be the first to admit it - but I find the experience draining at the end of the day (and almost falling asleep myself, which wouldn't be safe given the position we're in). I feel more relaxed this way and Sam doesn't mind, so we'll stick with it.

I do nurse him in the early morning, before the real wake up time. Sam usually wakes up crying at around 6:30-7am but isn't really ready to wake up then. So that's when I feed him. It's a quality feeding since he's mostly asleep and undistracted. I put him back into bed afterwards and we both go to sleep. He'll usually sleep until around 7:45-8:15, which is way more convenient for me! I can't do early wake-ups.

What does a mom's milk supply look like when she is breastfeeding just once per day? It doesn't feel that different from the days I nursed Sam more often. I never felt "fuller" (which I believe is a myth in many cases - to me, everything feels the same!) the first few times we skipped that feeding. I don't feel emptier now.

One thing I do want to point out is that you can still nurse whenever you want, even though you're scheduled to only nurse once that day. There is still milk inside you! The other night we were traveling home from the city and Sam woke up from his sleep and kept on crying on and off for 20 minutes. Eventually I thought of nursing him (I think he was thirsty because he had a cold and was breathing through his mouth a lot) since I did not have his drinking bottle handy. I nursed him and he was blissfully sleeping in no time.