Wednesday, October 29, 2014

She's back!

Ok, so my Aunt Flo, aka period, returned when Sam was just a few days shy of a year. I was so surprised (not in a good, birthdayish way). This was the first one since January 5, 2012! I know that date because it was my LMP when I was pregnant.

Anyway, it DID make sense. At that time I was nursing Sam but for a shorter duration at each feeding (his choice, not mine). I can't say I really cut out any scheduled feedings, though. In turn, he ate lots of real foods. I didn't notice any drop in supply, which is pretty common. Instead, I got a drop from when the period ended until ovulation! So it was during the first half of the cycle that I experienced this.

I also stopped taking the minipill the day I got my period. This way, if I was supposed to have a withdrawal bleed, let it all come at the same time as the actual period. Which, is what happened. About 3 days after stopping the pill, I saw bright red (fresh) blood, which lasted like 2 days. So better it happened then, than at a separate time later. By the way, no change in supply after stopping the pill.

If anything, something else happened. I began to experience a VERY slow letdown. As in 3-5 minutes. By that time, Sam would be really impatient and he'd just pop off. Then he got a cold and he didn't mind hanging around the boob for comfort so he'd actually get normal full feedings. And then I discovered a cool trick: If while I nursed I simultaneously stimulated the other side (like I do when I pump) then the letdown would occur at a reasonable time. And that works great :)

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