Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Welcome to Breastfeeding Hacks

I can't stand misinformation. Especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Why? Breastfeeding is supposed to be natural, right? Well, sorry to break the news to you but it just isn't - for a lot of us. Sure they all did it back then since babies were created, but nobody mentions the many mothers who had to hire wet nurses to breastfeed their children. Breastfeeding isn't a natural art for lots of mothers and babies. Some moms don't know the right technique. And some babies have no idea how to suckle.

And many of use really, really, really want to breastfeed because we know it's the best way to nourish our children. The nursing relationship is win-win for both mother and baby because both sides benefit. Everyone knows how beneficial breastmilk (a.k.a. liquid gold) is to a baby, how it's tailor-made with the most important nutrients, biochemicals, and infection-fighting properties for each stage of a child's life. And breastfeeding is the ivy league college of mothering. No other experience can really teach a mother how to take care of her child better than to nurse a baby, in my opinion! But sometimes it's hard.

We've never had it easy. We needed lots of troubleshooting, improvising, trickery, you name it. But thankfully we've reached a point that nursing was actually FUN! So with this blog, I'll take you through my vault, where I store all my breastfeeding education secrets. I'll admit that lots of the ideas here are unconventional and not what you'd normally find on LLLI's website, or Kellymom, two of the breastfeeding bible websites out there. You can go there for the standards in breastfeeding and what's supposed to work. But sometimes you need other tactics, so welcome to my blog, Breastfeeding Hacks.

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